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Writer's pictureH.E.A.R.T of Saguache/KV

Bringing Colcha Embroidery to the Classroom: Workshops begin at Centennial and Sierra Grande

The San Luis Valley Colcha Embroidery Project is partnering with three schools across the Valley to bring colcha embroidery to the classroom. On October 1st and 3rd, colcha embroidery artists visited Centennial in San Luis to work with elementary, middle, and high schoolers. Sierra Grande students in Fort Garland started their projects with the visiting artists on October 14th and 17th. The workshops include learning about the history of colcha embroidery in the Valley, a gallery of artwork examples, close instruction with the visiting artists, and each student receiving all of the materials needed for their artworks.

Special thanks to our teaching artists Maria Eufemia Barela, Adrienne Garbini, Donna Madrid Hernandez, Aurora Martinez, Sandra Ortega, Trent Segura, Susan Walanski, and Valentina Valdez. Thank you to art teachers Maria Fleming, Taylor Hubbard, and Katlynn Scanga and to the schools for hosting the program. Many thanks to Think360 and the Southern Colorado Community Foundation for supporting this unique opportunity for intergenerational connection and art education in Valley schools.

Centennial 4th Grade Class

Art Teacher Taylor Hubbard’s Centennial Blog Posts:

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